Sunday 19 April 2009

Holding on to a fading light...

The past few weeks weren't exactly honeymoon to me, in fact it was almost hell for me if not for the support of some of my friends and a special girl. During the past few weeks, i have seen how many things that we take for granted in our lives change so quickly, like how a fat boy devours a bag of chips. How old friendships have been severly and critically bent but not broken, how love may promise a happy ever after but eventually falls flat on her face many times, how current friends can become even closer friends and the human capacity to change and how i can finally pass Velfare 2000 and number one on ParaPara.

Its not that i am mocking simple things like friendship and love. Its simply because i have seen enough to believe that the road to true friendship and love is never ever smooth. (well, unless you live in a place called Far Far Away, which only exist in the minds of 3.142 people, mainly your dog, the microwave in your kitchen and me.) I still believe that all these are still attainable, we just have to put in more time and effort in order to achieve them. Friendship is like a house, we need to spend time and effort to build it. However, should like a freaking tornado comes by (or a series of unfortunate events as i like to call it, (get the hint)), what do we end up with? A half demolished pile of rubble. so whats the next logical thing to do? Rebuild it, and when another misfortune happens, repeat step 2. (if you live in a HDB then its a differnt case, good luck rebuliding 10++ stories of houses) Love is like.... well, a flower. Invest time and effot into it, you get something beautiful, if you dont, you get 3 pots of weed. I am not going to go into detail on how to put in time and effort into things like this. Its something that you should be born with. (For those of you who really dont know, look it up between page 1 and 2 of Hitler's cookbook, there should be a trillion dollar bill and address of places where you can get a book called "the dummy's guide to love" by your friendly neighbourhood drunk.)

I watched a movie today with my friends. It is called "Handsome Suit". I must say that it was really a good movie as i could really relate myself to the main character. It really enforced the thinking i had in me that when it comes to things like love, looks doesnt matter at all, and what matters is actually what is inside of you. The movie really kept me thinking about who i am as a person and how i function as a person.

My friends, i know some of you guys are wondering why i chose to love that special rose i chosen, why despite getting hurt by the thorns, i still chose to hold on, why i do so much? I chose to pick this rose from the garden not because it was the prettiest, there were many other prettier ones out there, but i chose to pick this special rose as it had the sweetest smell. A smell which always never fail to turn my frown into a smile. I chose this rose as i have seen how it has grown over the years, the harsh weather conditions it has to endure, and despite that, still manages to stand tall and strong, and i want to care for this rose as this red rose gave me hope, a hope which i will always treasure my entire life. I chose to do so much for this rose as i want it to bloom into something that i never had, and when it finally blooms, i can proudly say i did that and live my life without regrets as i will have the picture of a beautiful rose in my heart.

In short, things in my life has kept me thinking about everybody and everything around me, and i apologise to those people whom i have not given the correct amount of attention. Its just really hard for me not to be depressed after seeing so much. The saddness and depression of everyone's problems may have finally caught up. But not to worry, i will recover and resume my role of a good friend cum councillor, and obviously never quit my job as a lover cum gardener to a special red rose.

I would like to end this post by wishing Irwin a happy 18th birthday, sorry i cant come to your party, my mom didnt let me go out. T.T

Remember, vote no to proposition -23, If we ban 16 year old asian school girl from wearing pink socks, who is going to look cute anymore? 2.30 in the morning, i guess its time to sleep. Stay tunned for more next time as i attempt to last another few months without chippies.

Friday 10 April 2009

The Story so far...

Hey all, it has been weeks sinced i blogged. Honestly, i couldnt really think of anything much to blog about. However, these few weeks kept me thinking about my entire life and how it has changed drastically and how i am desperately trying to fox it. Dont ask me what, as i feel that its something personal and i do not really want to blog about it. What i can say is that i realised over the weeks that Love can be beautiful and significant to everyone, as long as they know how to embrace it with their loved ones. Love may sometimes make people do things that are deemed stupid and useless, but i feel that it will make the person happy. I Love this special girl so much as she has really changed my life significantly that i was willing to go all out on her. You may say that spending time and money to do things like folding 99 roses and arranging them nicely in a jar and giving it to someone whom isnt your GF stupid and time consuming. But, i felt happy when i did it. To see the smile on her beautiful face was more than rewarding than anything else. Nothing else mattered, not even blistered fingers (due to the folding of 99+++ roses), the empty wallet i have or even the time i spent running down all the way to Ikea at 8 in the evening to but a jar mattered. I felt happy because I did it for the one whom i love dearly without any regrets, and that was what mattered most to me.

Today is Good Friday, the Day where my lord, Jesus died for all the sins of man. Its a day where all Christians should morn and weep, not only because Jesus died, but because he died to save us from mortal sin. A innocent man who was betrayed by his follower for 30 pieces of silver, shunned by the crowds, tortured with whips that had hooks and razor blades attached to its ends, hummuliated with a purple robe and a crown of thorns, forced to carry a cross weighing roughly 100 kg up a hill called Calvary where he was stripped of his clothes and had it gambled away, nailed brutally on the palms of his hand and the sole of his 2 feet and suffered for 3 hours before dying. God gave his only son up and made him go through all these simply for one reason. Because he loved us so much and wanted us to do the same for each other. I would like to thank Rachelle for inviting me and the special girl to her play yesterday, for it really touched me and reminded me of my core values as a true Christian (or Catholic in my case). A very good play, I must say, 3 thumbs up! (guys, if you haven not seen her play, you should, because i really feel its worth my 2 hours)

This part of the post goes to a few friends of mine in my school. Firstly, to my friend Ester. Please understand that Joel is only like this because he isnt used to girls being this close to him. Its only natural that he sometimes behaves and talks in a manner which you dont like. He is already trying his best not to anger or annoy you. You on the other hand, have to give him space sometimes and try not to expect too much. Secondly, to my good friend, Marian. I know its hard to be with someone who is sometimes stubborn and insenstive to what you say or how you feel and even to the extent where his faith is dwindling. Its hard to be with someone who has faith that is not as strong as you or even stable for the matter. But give him time to find his faith, he will find it eventually. God will guide him. He will eventually realise that he has to become stronger not only just for you, but also for himself, for a man who has no faith is no different from an empty shell. Finally, to my close friend Briana. I know of your sufferings that you have endured with "him" and most of the problems you face. All i want to tell you is not to lose faith in this relationship of yours. I know he cares alot for you and wouldnt want you to get hurt. Even though he may make promises that is often broken and it seems that he doesnt understand, but i want you to know that he is better than that, i can see that he is trying his best to do things the way he see fit. Dont feel sad because he has unintentionally hurt you, be happy because he loves you very much. Have faith and dont ever stop believing, for things will always work out because God has a plan for all of us to be happy one way or another. I will be praying for all of you people.

I would like to end this post by wishing my good friend, PeiXuan, a very Happy Birthday (finally 18, haha, can buy and consume alcohol legally! haha), Congratulations to everyone who did well for their PW and lastly, to tell everyone that no matter what problems we face, never stop believing, because its faith that will pull us through the storm in one piece.