Thursday 3 September 2009


The month of September brings both many joys and sorrow. Its a month where i am reminded of many people who made a significant impact on my life. The good times, the bad times, and the shit times. You can maybe say it is because of my promos, sigh, they are always in September and often, i would remember times where i struggled desperately for my studies, esp during my secondary school years. But what enabled me to get through this tough period was not only thanks to my friends, but to my TEACHERS.

A very Happy Teacher's day to all my teachers from SRJC (Mr Thomas, Mdm Low, Mr Daniel Tan, Ms Karen Au, Mr Peter Goh, Mr Foo and all of the SRJC staff who has taught me before). I would not be coping without all of your help and would be extremely grateful if you would go leanient on my promos. =) And off course, who could forget all my marist teachers!!!! (Ms Koh, Ms Tan, Mrs Tan-Chin, Mrs Chan, Mr Goy, Ms Jazila, Mdm Lee Wan Yin and the rest of all the staff there!!)=))

This paragraph is dedicated to my fav teacher of all time, My secondary school physics teacher, Ms Sharon Tan. Many of you guys might be wondering why her and not someone else. The reason is becasue she is not only one of the best teachers i ever had, she was also the only teacher i would ever date. (MS TAN!!!! YOU STILL OWE ME LUNCH AT SUBWAY!!!!!) But seriously, the main reason i love her is beacuse she was one of the only teachers who would not give up despite how hopeless i seemed. She would encourage me despite the garden of F9s and would often scream me awake whenever i did not do my homework. She would take initiative to take time out to help me clear doubts and repeat concepts til her throat was dry. In short, she would be the dream teacher i always wanted. So cheers to you Ms Tan, for never failing to not make me fail physic. And its thanks to you that i can cope and understand H2 physics due to my foundation. SUBWAY SOOON OK? MS TAN???!!!!??!?!

So i end this short teacher's day post with a song that is specially dedicated to Ms Tan. What i go to school for by Busted. (NO, ITS NOT BY THE JONAS BROTHERS, YOU JONAS FAGS)

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