Monday 22 December 2008

more about this fat kid (hobbies)

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when i mention "fat kid"? most prob would be the image of a fat kid sitting at a table stuffing himself with deep fried chicken, belgium chocolate, pork chops, famous amos, otah ice blend etc... Well this fat kid does more than just eating and sleeping and finding countless ways to renew but end up breaking his heart again. YES, this fat kid actually have hobbies! Here are some you people can read about
Through my entire lifetime, i have hobbies such as

1) Playing ParaParaParadise (a form of japanese dancing)
Its fun, cool and definately NOT GAY! and yes, even a fat kid can dance too. (visit tampines mall top floor, there is a fat kid who dances there everyday in the arcade, or if you want, you try your luck and search for me at Kovan superbowl arcade, i might be there dancing if you are lucky) What attracted me to this? Well, once upon a time, there used to be this fat kid who wanted to lose weight, thus he spent his time going around, looking for the perfect excercise when he came upon the ParaPara machine. When those two titans mergred, they gave birth to this dancing kid typing this post now. (though i must admit, i also wanted to find a cute girl who could share the same dancing interest like me. T.T)
p.s I met my rival today at the Marina Square Superbowl arcade. a girl of approx 15 years old, kinda cute, small and petique (did i spell it right?), except for her lip piercing. Boy (fat), can she dance, she could dance songs that even me and my master cant play, (eg Velffare 2000) but she couldnt beat my score anyway.

2) Watching power rangers!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
So what if this show is for kids? I mean, there is a kid inside each and everyone of us that yearns for a proper childhood. To be honest, i am simply giving myself the childhood i never had. (mom kinda banned me from watching it cuz she thought it was too violent) The rangers are cool, they have cool unrealistic weapons that can shoot one freaking laser that kills the monster instantly, they have amour made of cloth that sparks will fly out from when hit by the enemy, they have ridiculious looking zoids that never fail to kick the erected monster's ass with its finishing move. Best of all, they know kung fu, and thats enough even to kick your grandma's ass. However, despite how much a huge fan i am of power rangers, i find some of the series kinda racist. Take the very first power ranger season for example. The yellow ranger is an asian and well, according to the white man, we as asians are considered yellow skinned. The black ranger is well... black. and whats with the red ranger? Why is he always a white man? Cant an asian or a negro take that leadership role for once? Well, thats besides the point that i still love power rangers and will never stop watching it til i turn gay.

3) Flying
Do i actually really need to explain what flying is? for those of you who dont know, here is a clue: birds do that all the time.

4) Listening to good sensible music that does not keep on repeating its dumb lyrics about how pretty this girl is or like how you want to like fucking jus fuck her through all that stupid irritting rap.
Like my earlier post, i mentioned that i listen to all types of music except rap. Some of my favourites include Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Paramore, Taking Back Sunday, Flyleaf, Linkin Park (who the hell doesnt like linkin park?), Story of the Year and many more. Currently, i am listening to other bands and groups such as Metallica, Iron Maiden, Dragonforce and a little on Bullet for my Valentine, Silverstein. (recently, i am kinda like hooked on ROCKBAND, fuck man, this is tha bomb!)

5) Peeping through your window as you shower and staring at the way you scrub the dirt off that hot sexy sweaty hourglass body of yours.

Jus kiddin.

6) Crewing with theCrew
Last but not least, i love to crew with my friends. We do all sorts of nonsense together. Nonsense such as wearing pinnafolds and Mr Men underwear on our heads and running around Orchard, being half drunk in the playground playing truth or dare, hoboing around Singapore trying to get free lunch and dinner, ramming our heads into walls while wearing the construction helmet to test if it actually works, drinking magic exlier (made of prawn shells, egg yolk, vinegar, chili, leftover noodle and noodle soup, bandung (rose drink) and finally coke), smoking a hotdog, playing toss the tomyam soup and much more. (Check it all out at

In general, these are simply 6 out of the 13.89 hobbies i have. I would be more than happy to tell you about it, but then , I simply cant, cuz i am currently busy peeping through your window as you shower and staring at the way you scrub the dirt off that hot sexy sweaty hourglass body of yours.

I would like to end this post by saying : SAY NO TO GAY ABORTIONS!

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