Sunday 28 June 2009

A tribute to my VERY FIRST idol...

Some will call him gay, some call him a pedophile, others call him the King of Pop. I call him my hero... Yes, i am talking about Michael Jackson. I grew up listening to his music since i was a little boy, and i can say this. I loved his music. His music was the very first which i really took interest in. Not only did he manage to compose some of the best hits in the world, he also inspired me to do things people would normally see in me. I will be honest and say that he was mainly the reason i started to like dance. The way he manged to infuse dance and music into his art, was really something to wonder about. Despite facing bankruptcy a few times, he still believed in his charity work and never gave up helping the oppressed no matter what situation he was in. He believed that doing so could help Heal the World, and i really strongly believe in his work and beliefs. Songs like Black or White, Heal the World, Man in the Mirror were songs that really instilled the deep rooted values i have in me.

What really saddens me is that up til now, no one knows how he died and why,and now that he is gone, the very first person i idolized is gone. But despite what happens, i strongly believe that his music and inspiration will live on the hearts of many people all around the world.
Michael Jackson, you were born a legend, lived like a legend, and will always be a legend...

So here are some of the songs i really enjoyed from my childhood days.

Rest in peace.

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