Wednesday 28 January 2009

Calming the storm within a troubled heart...

Recently, i watched the entire OVA for the Samurai X series (Samurai X: Reflection) and i can say, it was one of the most romantic OVA i have ever seen. Basically, this OVA covers the love life of Kenshinn himself and the story behind the love of his life. Honestly, i can tell you all that i cried, (YES, FAT PEOPLE DO CRY. No, the saying that fat people not able to cry because of the clogging fats in their eyes is a myth, futher research is needed.) Like his incredible sword technique, Kenshinn's ability to love Kaoru too, is legendary. Kenshin, who becomes tortured anew by the guilt of leading a happy life after such a destructive past. He makes the decision to wander again, and Kaoru strongly supports him, promising to welcome him home with a smile and their child. For fifteen years, he wanders, returning every once in a while. Kenshin eventually becomes ravaged by an unknown disease that is much like leprosy (the writers have admitted there is no medical explanation for his condition). To share his pain, Kaoru convinces Kenshin to infect her with the disease through sexual intercourse. Towards the end, as Kenshin makes his final trip back home, he collapses into Kaoru's arms as he clutches her to him. They end up beneath a cherry blossom tree, where Kaoru tells him that they will invite the others for a cherry blossom viewing, and continue to gather in the years to come. With the silence growing stronger, Kaoru realizes that Kenshin has died quietly in her arms. Upon brushing his hair off his left cheek, Kaoru notices Kenshin's scar has faded away, signifying an end to his life of pain and bloodshed and commencement to a life of peace. In the final scene before the credits, she holds his head in her arms and weeps. This is simply a love that i envy and admire.

My main purpose of this post is simply to reassure a good friend of mine. Currently, she is going through a very diffcult time in her life (i will not go into details as to respect her privacy). It doesnt matter what happens in your love life. No matter what happens, life is about taking risks. I know its scary that you will have to go through emotional pain, but God will always be there to help you. I know your faith in God is hanging on a thread due to the current situation you are in, but dont ever worry about it. God loves us all and has a proper plan for us. The reason he makes us feel pain so as to learn how to adapt and become stronger. And honestly, trust him and he will lead you out of your pain in no time. I am sure that your situation will be resolved really soon, and no matter the outcome, know that you will always have people who love you (including God of course!). So dont be afraid to take risks, even if this situation turns out sour, i know you have the mental and emotional strength to go through it and move along. And who knows, your relationship with "him" might turn out as beautiful as the one mentioned above. =)

I would like to end this post with a song by the All american rejects, Move along, as it simply represents what i feel you should do in any negative situation especially in this one. (and also never stop smiling ok?)

Move Along - All american rejects

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone stands
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)

When everything is wrong we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

(Move along)
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along

Friday 23 January 2009

Another Random post

Hi all, i know its already 2 plus in the morning and i should be sleeping, but then, its almost chinese new year. So technically i am like supposed to PARTY!, before i embark on a 6 hour car ride to Segamat, Malaysia. (its fucking long and stupid, i think i actually lose a few brain cells everytime i take on this journey. you would too if you were to stare at nothing but Oil Palm plantations for the entire 6 hour journey. And, if you are wondering, yes, MY HONG BAO MONEY IS IN MALAYSIAN CURRENCY). Actually, the first part of this post is to wish my 3 going on 4 year good friend, Julian Chong Wei Dinn. He is one of the most funniest, dumbest and best friend anyone can have. (he still owes me money) And its a kinda pity, as he is no longer my schoolmate. (dunno why SRJC kicked him out, he had a poor conduct because he was late only le, not anything else) If you are reading this Birdface, we all miss you in SR, esp me. T.T Anyway, theCrew wants to wish you a really happy birthday and hope you get into your desired choice of poly! (eh, if i get you thongs like what you got elliot, are you gonna wear them like elliot?)

Today was also one of the most malu days in this school year so far. Why? Simply because i had to act infront of an entire old folk's home, AS NIAN (some mystical creature). I can tell you, i think i threw my face away in front of the entire Dance, GuZhen and Runner's club members. Honestly, that entire 5 min play felt like forever. But at least the entire audience were entertained. haha. After that, we were kinda like supposed to give oranges to all the old folks, (i didnt manage to give any, grrr, the runner's club members move to fast.) and bring them back to their respective wards. Like the dedicated CCC member i am, i managed to interact with many other old folks and yea, some of them were quite interesting when i interacted with them. (i will not post what i actually said, i am lazy, sry ar!). Thus ended my activities for the entire day. (went home to sleep, thats all i did, thats why i am still kinda active now T.T)

I would like to end this post again by wishing everyone a happy chinese new year to all.


Thursday 22 January 2009

Some random post about the new year

I know its like 12 plus on the 23th of jan, but i am bored and decided to post a short entry now. This post will be about the recent things that has happened to me for the past few weeks. To many people, the first few weeks of school are usually one of the largest hurdle that they have to overcome in theri academic lives, especially if they are entering a new school this year. But i have to admit that the 2 week so school wasnt too bad at all, in fact, it was pretty good.

CIP may seem boring to some of you people, but to me, my primary objective of doing cip is simply to help others who really need it. And i tell you, doing one entire week of CIP definately not a waste of my time. ok, so i admit i was kinda "sian" at first cuz i expected to do things like lessons or like a self esteem class. But me and my group of friends managed to pass the first week withour dying despite the many hours we put into either intereaction or simply painting a HDB flat. (i was assigned to a group in charge of doing CIP involving HCA Hospice.) Within the week (actually 2 days for, 2 days for intereaction, 1 day for breifing), my entire group has in total re painted an entire HDB and made many new friends at the HCA Hospice care. Seriously, those old folks in the centre maybe old, but they can be really good company if you really open your ears to them. I personally feel proud of myself, simply because with the help of 2 of my friends, the 3 of us managed to paint an entire toilet within a few hours. It was really satisfying and enjoyable.

As the weeks progress, it simply gets more magical. I swear. firstly, i started to talk to one of my old friends that i have lost contact with, now even as i blog, that person i can say is still talking to me now. Also, believe me when i say this, but this entire world is really really really small. For some strange reason, i found out that one of my cca friend, Gervin Phua was actually a close friend to some of the people i was really close to last time. (honestly, i think she is cute, haha, kinda sad she is going to poly, haha) (GUYS, I AM SIMPLY THINKING OUT LOUD, IT DOESNT MEAN I LIKE HER, SO DUN FUCKING GO AROUND SPREADING RUMORS)
Haha, i swear, i think God wanted mee to have a good year this year. Now that i actually come to think of it, retaining wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. Why? To put it simply, i made many new friends that i will never forget, strengthened old friendships and well, had fun.

This part of the post is to Jasper regarding the current problems you are facing now, but first, congrats for scoring 14 points for your Olevel, hopefully you will get into the school of your choice. But on a serious note, arguments between you and Sandra shouldnt bother you. You yourself have seen the way she acts sometimes, and i myself think that she is in no position to tell you how much attention you should be giving to her. Your attention should be on Zoa and really, like what i have said, it shouldnt bother you. If Sandra isnt mature enough to understand this, i dont think you should even spend time on it. So relax and enjoy your short but sexy holiday while you still can.

The new year is around the corner and i want to take this oppotunity to wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR as i may not be able to actually wish you all on the actual date itself (will be in malaysia). Have fun and stay cool guys. P.s: start watching futrama, it fucking funny, see you guys soon!

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Some random fats of life (food)

Have you ever walked into a food court and wondered what to eat? Yea, it kinda happened to me many times and i seriously, i am super frustrated with it. Seriously, WTF man, Singapore is supposed to have the widest variety of food ranging from Indian curry to Italian pastas to FUCKING CHEESE FRIES from KFC. And yet despite all the wide ranges, we still sometimes stand infront of the counter stonned and oblivious to what our stomach wants. But i dont blame anyone, since after all, we are spoiled for choices in life and often, we take them for granted. Take a fat kid for example, u can often find one or two of them in Mac stuffing their mouth full of the salted french fries and chomping down on a MEGAMAC. (WHAT A MAC FAT ASHHHHHHH!!!). Does he actually take his time to enjoy the food? Studies have shown that 4684597 out of the 56716771657.25 fat people observed in a fast food joint that has an in built library actually dont chew their food. (GOD GAVE US TEETH NOT FOR PLAYING A PLAYSTATION 3.64, BUT TO CHEW). This is sad, really.

So, for this post, i have decided to talk about some foods that one should actually try at least once in their 10 lifetimes. Below this will be a general place and things that must try one.

Food Court
1)Dont fucking waste your time going to food courts, it cost almost the same as a meal in a fast food restraunt and its more crowded and messy. But if you must, the list is the same as the one stated in the hawker section.

1)Chicken rice (OMG, if you have read this blog and have not gone to try the chicken rice at Katong shopping Centre within 3 days, go FUCK yourself)
2)the $2 nasi lemak meal (the chicken although is fatty, its gd. mmmmmmmmmmm, and also budget)
3)Fishball noodle (for those who love to have no ketchup in their noodle, i recomend going to the coffee stall outside my house, they serve one of the most magical fishball noodle i have ever tasted)
4)Laksa (again, if you have read this blog and have not gone to katong to try the laksa, go FUCK yourself again)
5)Fried Carrot Cake (its good no matter where you go)

Fast Food Restraunts
1)BBQ Turkey Bacon Double (Burger King) (BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2)Cheese Fries (KFC) (cheese is fattening, but is still good...)
3)McSpicy (MACs, DUH!) (the old patties that they used were good, now the new ones are simply crap)
4)The Chicken Pieces in Long John Silver (kinda stupid, LJS is known for their batter fried fish, but apparently, the chicken kicks ass!)
5)The Meatball marimana (subway) (did i spell it correctly?) (good healthy old fashioned sandwiches)
6)Onion Rings (Burger King) (do i actually need to explain?)
7)French Fries (MACs) (simple unhealthy salty strips of fried potato sticks)
8)Oreo Mc Flurry (MACs) (mmmmmmmm, oreo)
9)Chocolate Sundae (MACs) (i think eating 5 cups of these in a row will give you a heart attack)
10)Everything in Carl's Jr

1)All items in a place called ASTONS
2)The pastas in pasta mania (its good in general, but kinda expensive)
3)Almost all the possible pizza combinations in pizza hut
4)The rest is all chinese food in chinese restraunts (go hunt them yourself you lazy ass)

1)Cereal (crunchy and milky, mmmmmmmm)
2)Seaweed (magical strips of paper)
3)BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dear God, i thank you for one of your most marvelous creations, the pig for all its wonderful food it has provided for us. Amen)

Anywhere else
1)Blood (blood always taste good, i am not kidding!)
2)Egg shells (CRUNCHY!)
3)Raw polar bear meat (CUZ THATS WHAT SPARTANS EAT!)
5)All forms of alcohol

All the above stated are things that you as person should eat at least once in your lifetime, and seriously if you didnt yet, GO FUCK YOURSELF A FORTH TIME, ONLY THIS TIME GO ASK A BANGLA WORKER TO HELP YOU. I would like to end this post with a word of advice : CHEW YOUR FOOD FAT BOY!!

Wednesday 7 January 2009

the fats of life (careers)

As some of you people might know, being a retainee is not very fun. Firstly because there will be a renewable source of nagging from parents and teachers. Secondly, parents might pester you to look into choices such as poly cuz maybe Jc life ain't for you. Lastly, the feeling simply sucks (it will go away after a while, but for some reason, it simply comes back to haunt you, dun ask me, i dunno why). For me, it was no different. once i found out that i was a retainee, my mom was like "expected" and my dad was like "you see lar, never study blar blar blar..." My mom also kinda asked me if i wanted to transfer to poly as she kinda felt that i was too slack for Jc (she didnt see the new me that time). Thus came the many leaflets and books on poly courses. I spent many hours looking thru all the available courses that the poly could offer. But sadly, non were to my appeal (i want to be an engineer, but the poly courses didnt really offer the type of engineering i wanted, hey, i dun wan to anyhow join the engineering course and end up as a technician!). That kinda kept me thinking, what type of career would i have if i continued Jc, or if i went to poly, and that brings me to the topic today, careers.

No no no, fat people do not want to be couch potatos when they grow up, neither do they want to be laughed at when they cant get a job in the porn industry. Fat people have dreams too, some aspire to be astronauts when they grow up (one small step for me, one fat ass crack on the moon for us), some want to be bald when they grow up, others simply want to be rich. You all shouldn't look down on fat people, they have lots (and lots more) to contibute to society. Take Homer Simpson, Eric Cartman and Oprah for example, they are successful tv stars and guess what? YUP, they have FAT ASSES that contribute to a large portion of the american economy. Take them away and what do you get? NOTHING! Fat people CAN be successful too, look at Oprah, she is like fucking giving out like cars or laptops or houses every fucking show. So here is a list of 5 careers that i think would be both suited and like appropriate for most fat people

1) Ice Cream Taster
2) Vampire (blood is tasty, full of iron, gd for the body)
3) Millionare
4) Rapper (you will be suprised, some fat people can speak well)
5) billionare

these are simply 5 out of the many wonderful 526841.6857 possible jobs a fat guy can ever have and trust me, fat people might even do it better than you (cuz we are real bad (fat) asses!)
Some of you might be thinking as you read this, "hmm what about you Chen? what do you want to be when u grow up?". Well, here is a few

1) A Spartan
2) A Power Ranger who can kick your ass in Gituar Hero World Tour
3) A ninja who loves to cook italian food
4) Megaman
5) The friction between your pants
6) Engineer
7) A lap dancer who is actually a snake charmer in disguise
8) Pete Wentz
9) A snake charmer who works part time as a hooker
10) Chen

Friday 2 January 2009

a New Year...

Much has happend in the year 2008. To simply sum it all up in a sentence, "a year filled with lots of misery, but tolerable with a pinch of happiness" Like what the sentence says, many things have happened to me this entire year. Things such as meeting girl no 4 in a beautiful fateful barbecue somewhere around tampines, screaming my heart out when i found out that i got posted to SRJC (not that its a bad school, but i didnt expect myself to go there), meeting wonderful people in my class (esp girl no 5, Dudley, Glennard, Darren and most WTF of all, JULIAN CHONG WEI DINN!!!), screaming my lungs out when i found out that i was in the same PW groupmate as Julian (WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?), the countless sleepless nights that i had doing PW, doing the WILL run (some school charity event), running the nike race, proposing to Utt but got rejected in the end right after the Boys like Girls' concert at the Nike Human Race, the times that i played rockband and GHWT, receiveing the legendary birthday cake of mine during my birthday, the one week of dispair, confusion and heartbreak i got for that cake, the time i received my promo results, the time i finally finished my PWOP, my memoriable trip to China, LiJiang, theCrew chalet (FUCKING AWSOME GUYS, WE SHOULD DO THIS EVERY YEAR!!!) and many more...

For this entire year, esp during the last few days of 2008, i spent most of my time thinking, was this year really so good? But when i thought of all these events, my answer to that question was "HELL YEA!!!!". Even though i suffered many setbacks, i could throughly say that i enjoyed my entire 2008, not only as Chen, but as Nicholas Chen to 1s11 2008, Chen to my fans who loved "i bet chen will", panda to some of u ppl, noob host to friends like jasper, theProtector to people like elliot, fatman to guys like jon, Brad Pitt to bros such as Louis, and finally, CHEN to theCrew. Thks to all of my friends out there for the wonderful 2008, esp to my classmates whom have been so supportive of my love towards girl no 5, Jian Hong for being such a gd head in my cca, my schoolmates such as Joel who never fails to make me laugh and Chippies for their wonderful Curry Chicken in Cheeese... mmmmmmmmmmm.... And a very special thks to theCrew for make 2008 such a wonderful year and the special times we spent together.

Thus, with 2008 as a wonderful memory in my head, this will be my new year resolutions for the year 2009
1)I will study my ass off so hard that i can do well
2)I will pay more attention in class
3)i will cut down weight
4)i will try to gain weight
5)I dunno why i wrote point 3 and 4
6)I will train til i have an imbar body similar to spartans
7)I will slim down (serious)
8)I will be more fun towards the people i know
9)I will treat the some of the girls i know better
10)I will kick anyone's ass who makes fun of Girl no 4
11)I will try to be more mature in front of others
12)I will be more kind and understanding towards others
13)I will watch more power rangers
14)I will continue to be The Boy who gave his heart to a Girl

With that, i want to end this post with a fucking nice song by Lostprophets, Rooftops as you too, look back at your meaningful 2008.
(sorry about the embbeded link, fucking youtube does not give it to me...)


When our time is up
When our lives are done
Will we say we've had our fun?

Will we make a mark this time?
Will we always say we tried?

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your heart out.

All the love I've met
I have no regrets
If it all ends now, I'm set

Will we make a mark this time?
Will we always say we tried?

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your heart out.

Standing on the rooftops
(Wait until the bombs drop)
This is all we got now
(Scream until your heart stops)
Never gonna regret
(Watching every sunset)
We'll listen to your heartbeat
(All the love that we found)

Scream your heart out [x3]
Scream your

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your