Thursday 22 January 2009

Some random post about the new year

I know its like 12 plus on the 23th of jan, but i am bored and decided to post a short entry now. This post will be about the recent things that has happened to me for the past few weeks. To many people, the first few weeks of school are usually one of the largest hurdle that they have to overcome in theri academic lives, especially if they are entering a new school this year. But i have to admit that the 2 week so school wasnt too bad at all, in fact, it was pretty good.

CIP may seem boring to some of you people, but to me, my primary objective of doing cip is simply to help others who really need it. And i tell you, doing one entire week of CIP definately not a waste of my time. ok, so i admit i was kinda "sian" at first cuz i expected to do things like lessons or like a self esteem class. But me and my group of friends managed to pass the first week withour dying despite the many hours we put into either intereaction or simply painting a HDB flat. (i was assigned to a group in charge of doing CIP involving HCA Hospice.) Within the week (actually 2 days for, 2 days for intereaction, 1 day for breifing), my entire group has in total re painted an entire HDB and made many new friends at the HCA Hospice care. Seriously, those old folks in the centre maybe old, but they can be really good company if you really open your ears to them. I personally feel proud of myself, simply because with the help of 2 of my friends, the 3 of us managed to paint an entire toilet within a few hours. It was really satisfying and enjoyable.

As the weeks progress, it simply gets more magical. I swear. firstly, i started to talk to one of my old friends that i have lost contact with, now even as i blog, that person i can say is still talking to me now. Also, believe me when i say this, but this entire world is really really really small. For some strange reason, i found out that one of my cca friend, Gervin Phua was actually a close friend to some of the people i was really close to last time. (honestly, i think she is cute, haha, kinda sad she is going to poly, haha) (GUYS, I AM SIMPLY THINKING OUT LOUD, IT DOESNT MEAN I LIKE HER, SO DUN FUCKING GO AROUND SPREADING RUMORS)
Haha, i swear, i think God wanted mee to have a good year this year. Now that i actually come to think of it, retaining wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. Why? To put it simply, i made many new friends that i will never forget, strengthened old friendships and well, had fun.

This part of the post is to Jasper regarding the current problems you are facing now, but first, congrats for scoring 14 points for your Olevel, hopefully you will get into the school of your choice. But on a serious note, arguments between you and Sandra shouldnt bother you. You yourself have seen the way she acts sometimes, and i myself think that she is in no position to tell you how much attention you should be giving to her. Your attention should be on Zoa and really, like what i have said, it shouldnt bother you. If Sandra isnt mature enough to understand this, i dont think you should even spend time on it. So relax and enjoy your short but sexy holiday while you still can.

The new year is around the corner and i want to take this oppotunity to wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR as i may not be able to actually wish you all on the actual date itself (will be in malaysia). Have fun and stay cool guys. P.s: start watching futrama, it fucking funny, see you guys soon!

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