Wednesday 7 January 2009

the fats of life (careers)

As some of you people might know, being a retainee is not very fun. Firstly because there will be a renewable source of nagging from parents and teachers. Secondly, parents might pester you to look into choices such as poly cuz maybe Jc life ain't for you. Lastly, the feeling simply sucks (it will go away after a while, but for some reason, it simply comes back to haunt you, dun ask me, i dunno why). For me, it was no different. once i found out that i was a retainee, my mom was like "expected" and my dad was like "you see lar, never study blar blar blar..." My mom also kinda asked me if i wanted to transfer to poly as she kinda felt that i was too slack for Jc (she didnt see the new me that time). Thus came the many leaflets and books on poly courses. I spent many hours looking thru all the available courses that the poly could offer. But sadly, non were to my appeal (i want to be an engineer, but the poly courses didnt really offer the type of engineering i wanted, hey, i dun wan to anyhow join the engineering course and end up as a technician!). That kinda kept me thinking, what type of career would i have if i continued Jc, or if i went to poly, and that brings me to the topic today, careers.

No no no, fat people do not want to be couch potatos when they grow up, neither do they want to be laughed at when they cant get a job in the porn industry. Fat people have dreams too, some aspire to be astronauts when they grow up (one small step for me, one fat ass crack on the moon for us), some want to be bald when they grow up, others simply want to be rich. You all shouldn't look down on fat people, they have lots (and lots more) to contibute to society. Take Homer Simpson, Eric Cartman and Oprah for example, they are successful tv stars and guess what? YUP, they have FAT ASSES that contribute to a large portion of the american economy. Take them away and what do you get? NOTHING! Fat people CAN be successful too, look at Oprah, she is like fucking giving out like cars or laptops or houses every fucking show. So here is a list of 5 careers that i think would be both suited and like appropriate for most fat people

1) Ice Cream Taster
2) Vampire (blood is tasty, full of iron, gd for the body)
3) Millionare
4) Rapper (you will be suprised, some fat people can speak well)
5) billionare

these are simply 5 out of the many wonderful 526841.6857 possible jobs a fat guy can ever have and trust me, fat people might even do it better than you (cuz we are real bad (fat) asses!)
Some of you might be thinking as you read this, "hmm what about you Chen? what do you want to be when u grow up?". Well, here is a few

1) A Spartan
2) A Power Ranger who can kick your ass in Gituar Hero World Tour
3) A ninja who loves to cook italian food
4) Megaman
5) The friction between your pants
6) Engineer
7) A lap dancer who is actually a snake charmer in disguise
8) Pete Wentz
9) A snake charmer who works part time as a hooker
10) Chen

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