Tuesday 24 February 2009

Its the start of something new...

Hey all, firstly, this kid here wants to wish JOEL TAN A FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are finally 18, time to dish out the M18 movies PANTHER!!!
Legally now of course. Today is your day, so go enjoy yourself. Go kiss Bing, torture the yalam or scream my name out loud in the canteen during break time as you slowly touch yourself all over, and we all wont give a shit! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (slaps on the shoulder)

I would also like to wish all of you Christians out there a Happy Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the start of an event that Catholics call Lent. It talks about the 40 days of hardship that my religeous ansestors went through right after they escaped from slavery in Egypt. With a kick ass white old man called Moses to lead them (so what if you can fly David Blane? This dude parted a sea, WITH NO HANDS!), the Jews travelled across a desert and reached their promise land in like 40 days living simply on bread and mana (i am not really sure whats that, its simply writen on the bible, and no, they cant cast spells, witchcraft is against my religion). So in honor of this feat, we catholics are expected to fast like them for 40 days. And this is to clear a few misconceptions about fasting. Firstly, fasting simply means abstaining from something you like, not abstaining from food only. Its not simply like a Fat kid not eating pizzas or burgers or like a megamac meal, it can also mean like people like Jasper not womanizing around, Julian not playing dota and so on. For me, how i intend to fast for the next 40 days would include
1)No eyecandy for me (i am not going to disclose who i eyecandy)
2)No Chippy for me (thats some british food take away, super gd and high in calories T.T)
3)No Dota (actually, i have not DOTAed for like almost 1 month, with the execption of last saturday.)
4)No snacks such as potato chips (SUPER HIGH IN FATS!!!)
Hopefully i will still be the sam(n)e person you all know me as after 40 days, cuz these are actually some of my favourite things i do. (esp no1, haha!!!!) But i believe in God and i am sure he will somehow find a way for me to get through. =)

For some of you guys who know quite alot about me, you might be wondering why so holy and "on" all of a sudden. Basically, God was able to answer most of my prayers i had. (school problems are kinda like over, taking time to recover, some friendship problem is now getting better) But indirectly, it was thanks to a very special person who actually strengthened my faith in God and i would like to use the second part of this post to talk about her. It began roughly around the time when i was trying to get over Girl no5 and leave all that has happened behind. Somehow, no matter how hard i tried, i simply couldnt really shake that last bit of feelings. I started praying for help to get over her as it was really affecting me mentally and draining me. I started to give up hope that God would not help me, but then she came along... After talking for quite some time with her, i ended helping her out with some problems that she had with some guy and really spent most of my free time trying my best to provide her with the support and comfort that she really needed during that time. Initially, i didnt realise it, but slowly, over a period of 3 weeks, i finally managed to shake that last bit of feelings thanks to the times i spent with her. (she is fine now, if some of you guys are wondering, still alive and kicking) When we were not talking about her problems, she was always smiling and cheerful. And no matter how shitty and sad and depressing my day was, she never fails to put a smile on my face.

We would spend time talking about things ranging from school work to things like the aspects of life and even things like love, something that a person like me has never experienced before. Honestly, i can say that besides the time i spend with my friends, the time i spend with her would be one of the happiest i have ever had. We understood each other. During the time i spent talking to her, i could feel a constant surge of faith flowing in my body as i was always telling her to believe and not to give up on God. Somehow, i felt that God has not only answered my prayers by bringing her into my life, but has also strengthened my faith. (God may have been drunk when he planned my love life, but i believe he still has a plan for me.)

I would like to end this post by raising a glass of champange filled with lots of love to you, my friend (and Joel of course). I really treasure out friendship that we have fostered over the past few weeks and i sincerely hope that we can stay as friends or even something more than that, simply because there will never be a dull moment in my life when you are around. Never stop smiling ok? =)

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