Sunday 1 March 2009

The fats of life... (personalities)

Have you ever wondered what happened to cool kid's shows such as Transformers the animated series, X man and Spiderman? It is cool to watch these shows, thank god for things such as the internet, if not i would have died no watching these cartoons. So what if they cant appear in a 3D show, so what if its unrealistic that Megatron transforms from a 10m tall robot to a puny pistol which is apparently no bigger than the double cheese grilled chicken sandwich sliced between 2 thin layers of wholewheat bread, only to be seperated by 3 layers of lettuce drenched by excessive amounts of barbecue sauce? These cartoons are part of my childhood and who the fuck took them off the TV? IT WAS FUCKING NICE! WHY THE HELL DID YOU REMOVE IT HUH? WTF DID THESE CARTOONS EVER DO TO YOU? WHAT? WOLVERINE STUCK 3 OUT OF HIS 6 CLAWS U0P YOUR ASS? DID YOUR CAR JUST TRANSFORMED INTO A 3 STOREY HIGH ROBOT AND BLASTED YOUR FAT KID DEAD? DROP DEAD WHO EVER YOU ARE! YOU KILLED MY CHILDHOOD DREAM YOU SONOFABITCH! And God bless Stan Lee for creating such marvels, you will forever be the best comic book artist alive!

Here is a fun fact according to my friend. Do you know that Stan Lee studied physcology? And he created several X men characters with unique personalities? For example, Storm is a Caregiver, Proffesor X is a Doer, Wolverine and Gambit are Performers, Rouge is a Scientist, Jean Grey aka pheonix is a Guardian, Cyclops is an Idealist, Nightcrawler is an Inspirer, Jubilee is an Executive, Beast is a Thinker, Colossus is a Protector and many more. (the good guys are supposed to have the good and ideal personalities of the 16 types mentioned below, i am not really sure about the bad guys, all i know is the bad ass protector is Juggernaut. BOO YEA!! (i dun know why they have to make protectors so big and like so tough that they are able to take so much dmg, esp Juggernaut.. T.T)) This brings me to the topic i am going to talk about today, personalities.

Should you one day take a personality test and get your 4 magical letters, here is the list of the possible 16 personalities and their names to go along with it.
ISTJ- The Duty Fulfillers
ESTJ- The Guardians
ISFJ- The Nurturers
ESFJ- The Caregivers
ISTP- The Mechanics
ESTP- The Doers
ESFP- The Performers
ISFP- The Artists
ENTJ- The Executives
INTJ- The Scientists
ENTP- The VisionariesINTP - The Thinkers
ENFJ- The Givers
INFJ- The Protectors
ENFP- The Inspirers
INFP- The Idealists

Many of you will be wondering which personalities are the best. From my point of view, all 16 types are unique in their own ways and function best with their own unique skills, thus there is no actual "best" personality. For example, Caregivers have the beautiful ability to find good in a person and is also able to make it outshine the bad in him. Scientist have the mind boggling ability to think very logically and is often able to solve problems quickly due to his smart thinking. Protectors have the uncanny ability to have insights in many situations, they often go by their feelings about certain things and are often right about it, sometimes without even knowing why. Executives have the natural ability to lead people and are natural leaders. These are simply a few of the many good points each and everyone class has. to put it simply, its doesnt really matter what personality type you are , as long as you are who you are and you make use of some of the abilities you have, your personality type can be the best. Do not dwell on your bad points that your personality has and strive to strengthen your strengths. (I am a INFJ if some of you people are wondering)

if you are interested, here is a link to the test if you are wondering what personality you belong to.

I would like to end this short lesson i have regarding the personality types by wishing all of my JC2 friends avery good luck for your Common test! God bless and Lets PARTY when your tests are over! Remember, Confucius says man who drops watch in toilet will get shitty time!


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