Wednesday 1 May 2013

Some reasons why i dont want to live on this planet anymore.

Recently, I was watching old movies from the American Pie series, Superbad, Eurotrip, etc... and listening to old school music like sum41, and Fall Out Boy. To many people, esp the teenagers in society, these sort of things would normally be considered old and stupid due to fucked up logic like lack of swag or a lack of pretty boys. In this post, i will be expressing how i feel about certain things in society.

I am pretty disappointed with the way people tend to see things nowadays, esp when it came to things like taste in movies and music, even in the gaming industry.

I will start off with movies. The most common example I am going to talk about is the twilight series. To be honest, i never really hated the storyline. It was the characters and the way the media chooses to show them. For example, lets take a look at the character Edward Cullen. I think when the character was being created in the thought process, what the writer thought would have made him popular was the way he was supposed to be the protagonist in the whole series, a vegan vampire who was supposed to find and have forbidden love with a human. To be able to fight the temptations of sucking the life out of her and to actually find love in a hopeless situation. What the media did, was simply take Robert Pattinson and made him into a disco ball. (I bet some of the girls never knew his real name and just remembered him as Edward) Even Robert himself said that if he wasnt acting in the series itself, he would have hated the movies. Which just goes to show something. Other Characters like Bella Swan. Honestly, as much as we all hate the way she doesnt show much expression and only knows how to whine and just moap around when she couldn't decide between a vampire or a werewolf dick, i honestly cant help but to feel some of us out there really are like that in real life. I, for one would admit that sometimes I feel and behave that way. However, what pisses me off is the fact that what type of example do you want to set for people, esp for those who cant think for themselves and often let themselves be influenced by the media? Imagine this, i am a 14 year old girl who just watched twilight, then i think to myself, maybe if i moap around a handsome guy, he will come back at me? To you feminist out there, this is one reason why i still feel your argument is partially invalid. Movies like Harry Potter and Hunger Games show and exhibit heroines who actually do shit and earn respect. And if girls nowadays are just gonna follow the example of Bella, you are not even giving yourselves a chance to show that you are equal or even bigger than males. Dont get me wrong ok? I dont see females as lesser beings than males. Its just that we all excel in different aspects of life and i want to keep my opinions this way.

Music is another thing that I am becoming more and more speechless about. I am a 22 year old who listens to all assortments of music, ranging from metal and classical, to genres like jazz and even some trance. But i am wondering where our current train of musical progress is headed to. Music in the past used to be ways that musicians express how they felt about the world and how they saw it in ways that we couldn't. Modern music nowadays would simply just talk about how much I wanna fuck this girl or somehow receive pleasure of a sexual nature (from a male artist POV) or simply how I wanna find a boy who will love me forever and make me some sort of queen for the rest of my life so i dont need to ever work hard for the rest of my life or simply just another breakup song saying how i dont wanna be hurt by another guy who pretends to be nice to me so he cant have a pretty face to jerk off to (from a girl POV). Music in the past would actually mean something and a way of life for some people. It used to talk about things that really mattered and things that the artist felt that he could not express simply using words. Examples include John Lennon's Imagine. Such a classic example talking about world peace, where everything and everyone got along. I am sure many, if not all would want an utopia like that. Now we just got Nicki  Minaj's way of telling us that spaceships were meant to fly. To me, music is almost dead as its a constant way of making cheap money of people who are submissive to popular demand. Music is supposed to be an expression and a gateway of expressing feelings, hence the saying that music is supposed to be food for the soul. And if lust and stupidity is all we are trying to feed our souls now, then all i can do is watch as the image our musical elders worked so hard over 3 generations to build just crumble down to simple yet so destructive force. In 30 years time, I wouldn't blame my kids if they come home from a Justin Bieber reunion tour or concert telling me that they hated me for listening to things like that.

When it comes to gaming, i would say that this paragraph is meant more for the local regions, mainly the SEA server. First of all, i think its perfectly fine the way most of society plays games like Blackshot, Audition, etc... Its just the people you meet that wanna make you wish sometimes you were living somewhere else. For starters, i would say the people you meet in lan shops. They are mainly nice people who wanna find a place to game and enjoy themselves, regardless of race, age and gender. You have the illegal sec and pri school kids going there (usually in some school shirt or something), the loner white collared working adult who somehow does not have a GF/wife and chooses to spend excessive time in the shop. You also have the constant regular customers who visits almost everyday and do much but to just fill up a slot at a shop permanently. Now comes the main group of people who make everyone else feel regret for coming to a lan shop. These people are the ones with anger issues and often makes gaming in places feel stupid and fucked up. You have girls who cant play audition well, they start banging the key board when they somehow feel that the keyboard isnt sensitive enough. FUCK YOU UNDERSTAND? YOU ARE AT A FUCKING LAN SHOP, EVERY FUCKING DAY THERE ARE AT LEAST A DOZEN DIFFERENT PEOPLE USING THE COM 24/7, OBVIOUSLY AFTER A WHILE THE KEYBOARD LOSES ITS SENSITIVITY. SLAMMING IT ISNT GOING TO SOLVE THE ISSUE, JUST MAKING IT WORSE IN THE LONG RUN. WANNA KNOW SOMETHING? I REALLY HOPE YOU BREAK A NAIL OR SOMETHING SLAMMING THOSE ANOREXIC FINGERS AGAINST THE POOR KEYBOARD. You also meet the typical stereotypical beng in the shop, the ones who simply only know how to play one role in games like Dota2 or LOL, the carry of the team. I used to rmb one time i sat next to a guy playing Dota (few years ago), where he would actually just pick SF and go mid. If he died giving first blood, leave game. If he got items and could not own due to skillful juking and kiting from opponent team, he would just leave game. I mean wow... These are the type of typical players who would accuse you of a KS when he couldnt get the kill if the opponent died or simply a call you a noob for not being able to secure the kill. See the logic? Its either I am a KS king, or some noob who doesnt know how to play. Fuck logic right? To people like that outside, you wanna know what KS means to me? Its not kill steal, its kill secure, so deal with it.

Its really sad to see the way society has progressed over time as I grew up. We were supposed to become a better more advance society, but ironically, this whole post speaks for itself. Long gone were the days where you played teamwork games like Metal Slug and wouldnt rage when your partner had the last hit of the boss, where competitive play only existed in games like Marvel VS Capcom or mortal combat. I have seen the evolution of music, where in the past where music actually sounded like music and meant something to both listeners and artist. After seeing so much society had become over the years, i am simply curious about how it will progress in years to come from now. Just some food for thought and some way to let off steam before i head to bed.

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